Monday, 1 June 2009

My Extensive Intensive Comprehensive Health Plan

I hereby declare that , for the next two months, I shall:

- not drink alcohol (excepting the housewarming we may be having and if my soccer team wins - these are the ONLY exceptions).

- drastically reduce my take-out consumption. I have never been one to buy when I can bake, but life has been a bit hectic and suddenly my diet is incorporating way more felafel rolls and big brekkies than it should. For the next two months I am only allowed to buy dinner / breakfast once a week and lunch at work once a week.

- take vitamins, not just buy them and remember every now and then to pop a few. I will be taking flaxseed and B.

- cut out heavy carbs (as in potato, rice, pasta, bread) after 3pm. This will be hard as carbs are so tasty and I am so good at making them. But I shall try!

- not smoke socially. I have cut this down since going overseas but now it's a no-no. If I ask say no...unlikely that I'll ask though as I won't be drunk! Hurrah!

- find a yoga / pilates class to do once a week. I believe there is pilates at Newtown gym at 10.30am on a Friday and Yoga at 6pm.

- start working Thursdays and Fridays. Three days a week does not a work routine make.

- tidy room once a week. More is just unrealistic.

- turn off computer at 10pm every night and place it in the lounge room. Unless I am chatting to France.

- regular coffee not large!

- buy the following things which will add to emotional well being:
* new mattress
* camera
* work pants
* new underwear
* washing machine

- start saving again like a crazy woman to make up for all the crap I just bought!

Prizes for me if I make it to August 1!



shinen said...

I support you.

I too will not drink alcohol nor smoke cigarettes, although my goal is to do it day by day... Partially it's that I've been hanging with fratty gay men... Must change habits!

maeve said...

"one day at a time..." have you been attending meetings by any chance? have you a 12 step plan? :-)

no day by day for me, i have a long term goal...where two months is a long time...hehe...

we should recruit! then we can have more people to drink tea and not smoke with!

shinen said...

Well, I figure the day by day thing is helpful because that means that I have something to "tick off." Like accumulating gold stars for work well done.

Also, it means that I pause each day to reflect on the reality of how I construct my circumstances that either make it more or less conducive to sticking to my goal of abstinentia.

So yes, my self-imposed 12 step. Incidentally, God loves me.

maeve said...

god DOES love you

grubkitsch said...

Swim with me!

maeve said...

hmm. ok. but my health plan is rapidly going down the toilet...


The Blurb

For maevegobash: yeah, I just like thinking/writing/talking about myself. That's what blogs are for, right? For vegepalooza: I have been vegetarian for 25 years now - so that's always for me. My mothers cooked a storm up in the kitchen and I am carrying the torch filling my friends bellies at every opportunity. I love food and want to share my recipes, tips and tricks here to encourage creative vegetarian eating. There will also be a lot of vegan recipes for my friends with more willpower than me (sorry kids, I just love the cheese). Anyway enjoy, feel free to criticise and most of all Happy Eating!